The faculty teaching practices are the product of their commitment to developing and preparing students for the current job market. Students will learn through experiential learning opportunities that prepare them for careers in the sports industry. 

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program map, which provides a guide for students to plan their course of study, is available for download in the Courses tab below.


This describes the general course work required for this program.


Major Required

This course provides a study of the sociological aspects of sport, athletics, and recreation in the American culture.

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This course examines traditional and innovative methods of revenue acquisition and financial management in sports organizations. In addition, it examines the broader economic impact and implications in sport in society.

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This course is designed to serve as an introductory class in public and media relations for students in sport administration, including the presentation of principles, standards, and guidelines in sport public relations and information systems involved in sport information management. Information technology and its role in sport will be covered. Throughout the course the concepts of public relations within sport and leisure organizations will be examined and applied to sport.

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Field experiences yield the necessity of receiving direction, undertaking responsibility, and demonstrating competence by applying theory learned from course work. Course helps students discover career options and confirm career choices.

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This course is designed to prepare the student to make the transition from student to professional in Sport Management. Topics for discussion will include the following: internship selection, application materials, interviewing skills, job search, salary negotiation, and other professional issues. Mentoring during the internship search process will be provided.

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The internship is the capstone experience of the sport management program. The internship is a full-time commitment and requires the completion of a minimum of 520 hours during the fall and spring semesters or 400 hours during the summer semester. The internship must be performed with a faculty-approved sport property, and intern duties are required to reflect the competencies developed through the sport management academic curriculum.

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Specific dates for admissions (Undergraduates Only), go to: 澳门新普京注册 Undergraduate Admission Deadlines